Welcome to the British Association for Human Identification (BAHID)
The primary aim of the Association is to encourage productive interchange between various disciplines in human identification, promote the academic integration of individual subjects and through the medium of a collective body, pursue standards of excellence and innovative developments. We provide a forum for discussion and promotion of subjects within the domain of human identification.
The membership includes (but is not limited) to professionals in the fields of forensic anthropology, forensic odontology, forensic archaeology, facial anthropology, forensic podiatry, forensic pathology, DVI, forensic computing and digital forensics. Members come from academia, law enforcement, private business, institutional and legal backgrounds.
Although this is a British Association there are members outside the UK from elsewhere in Europe, the US and Australia, and membership throughout the world is encouraged.
Membership of the Association costs just £40 for a full membership or £20 for a student membership (plus Paypal fees); more details and an application form can be found here.
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Proudly associated with Blake Emergency Services
Proudly associated with SRi Forensics
Proudly associated with Virtual Autopsy - A division of Vizopsy Advanced Forensic Solutions