BAHID Conference 2024
Scene, Postmortem, Antemortem, Reconcilliation
Saturday 26th October 2024
Disaster Victim Identification is the method used to identify victims of mass casualty incidents, whether the cause be man-made or natural. This conference aims to explore the methodologies used in recent events, along with the ongoing research into best practise and improving current procedures. From the scene, to the collection of postmortem and antemortem data, from both the remains and personal belongings recovered from the scene, through to the reconcilliation phase, we want to invite you all to share your experiences and research for dissemination to the BAHID community.
Practitioners, academics, researchers and current students are invited to submit their oral (20 minute) and poster presentations (A0 size, portrait) on the broad theme of Disaster Victim Identification.
As with our previous conferences, there are prizes to be won for student presentations with the top prize in each category including up to £250 cash, along with goodie bags from BAHID.
The call for papers will be open until FRIDAY 27th SEPTEMBER 2024.
If you would like to submit an abstract for consideration. please submit the following information by the date above to :
Name of Presenting Author
Is this a student presentation?
Oral or Poster
Title of presentation
Key words (up to five)
If you would like to be a sponsor for the 2024 conference, please contact to discuss the ways in which you can get involved.
Registration is now open here.
Feedback from the previous events: