The BAHID 2023 Conference Workshop

Bone Pathology, Trauma, and Identification 

Workshop hosts - Dr Steve Walden


Dr Steve Walden is a certified (Cert.FAIII) forensic anthropologist, chartered biologist, university lecturer, registered learning disabilities nurse, actor, and author. The combination varies at any one time, and he has qualifications, publications, and experience spanning these professions and disciplines. He holds PhDs in forensic anthropology (Cardiff University) and film history (Brunel University). His research interests include forensic taphonomy, film history from the psychosocial perspective, and the cultural anthropology of learning disability. He currently teaches nursing and advanced nursing practice at the University of South Wales where he also works on with USW's cold case unit assisting law enforcement, the legal profession and families with found human remains casework. He is an active member of a number of learned societies, including BAHID (council member), the Royal Society of Biology (South Wales Branch Committe), the Institute of Civil protection and Emergency Management (Fellow), and the Chartered Society for Forensic Sciences.  


The seminar and workshop will look at:
  • Fracture Typology and the Physiology of Healing.
  • Orthopaedic Implants and their Clinical Application.
  • Bone Disease – Key examples that you may encounter.
  • Human identification in this context - how can you utilise clinical knowledge of bone pathophysiology and surgery in the identification of the deceased. 


Burned Bone Tabletop Exercise

Workshop hosts - Esther Poulus



Fragments of burned bone can be difficult to recognise, especially amongst the debris commonly found in the aftermath of fires. In this informal tabletop exercise, separate the bone fragments from burned materials which often mimic bone.